Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > unknown killer

unknown killer

22 11:12:40

about 4 months ago my daughters rabbit died. he was still very young about one year old but one day he escaped from his cage but later that night we found him and put him back in his cage. he only seemed a littly jumpy and shocked. but the next day he hardly moved and we took him inside and tried to feed him. he wouldnt eat. we decided to take him to the vet because he kept falling over aand was really really weak. but later that day he died. please if you have any idea of what could have happened email me back. thank you.

Dear Alexandra,

I'm very sorry about the loss of your rabbit.  Without a post mortem there is really no way to know for sure why he died.  If he ingested some toxin (pesticide or herbicide on plants?), this could certainly be the culprit.  Or if he was chased by a predator, he could have gone into shock and suffered a delayed reaction.

You can read more about how to tell if a rabbit is sick here:

I am sorry it comes too late to help your bunny.  Please accept my condolences.
