Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > ears dropped through stress?

ears dropped through stress?

22 10:19:38

I have a rescue approx 12mth old cashmere (but I think not pure bred) male rabbit. I have had him neutuered. He is supposedly a lop but his ears were never like my last lop eared dutch. His ears were only half way down!
Anyway recently I got a labrador puppy and he is only 11 wks but today my rabbit escaped from his run and in half an hour that my pup was in the garden (I think as I didn't see) he must have chased him til he was exhausted then when I found them my pup was standing over him - my rabbit was lying on his side - licking his ears frantically. After putting the dog in his crate, I went back to the bun and he was obviously in shock as he didn't move for about 10mins, his long fur was matted and some had come loose. After checking him closely there are actually no wounds, not a single scratch - but the ear is half bald and a bit red. After some time in his hutch with some food and water he seems fine and is hopping round normally, BUT this is the question - his ears which were both 'half' lopped have now gone comletely down? Do I need to take him to the vets or not? He seems to have no pain, I moved the ears gently around and there was full mobility, he did not flinch etc.
Advice would be good to set my mind at ease.

Dear Emma,

Poor bunny!  It's lucky he didn't die of a heart attack.  

I don't think the ears would drop from stress, but the puppy may have chewed on the bunny's head, bruising the cartilage that supports the ears and causing them to droop more than they normally would.

I would get him to a good vet just to be sure there is no hidden trauma from the attack.  Truly, he is lucky to be alive.  I hope there won't be any more chances for the puppy to get to him, now that he has been alerted to this fun "toy".  :(  Be sure to find out how bun escaped from his run so that you can block that up and be sure that he can never get out unsupervised again.  It could be the death of him especially if the puppy is older and stronger.

I hope this helps.
