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Baby Wild Rabbit

22 10:19:38

My dad and I were cutting brush today with ridingmowers and I little bunny ran out of the weeds, It's not that big maybe the size of a 2-3 maybe 4 week old kitten.. We thought we hit a nest, but no trace of the mother or siblings were found.. We don't know how to go about feeding it or anything, we have it in a cat kennel right now, I gave it planton(spelling? green leaf) & water but don't know if it even knows what to do with it.. Whether or not it was still nursing is up in the air at this point, any advice?

Dear Matt,

If the baby was fully furred, has his eyes open, and is able to run fast, then he may be out of the nest, and mama is feeding him from the grass and brush.  It is best to take him back *exactly* where you found him and release him without further interference.

Wild baby cottontails do *not* do well in captivity, and this baby should be let go.  If he's the size of a month-old kitten, then he's well on his way to being independent, and the longer you keep him the more stressful and dangerous it will be for him.

I hope this helps, and that you'll get him back outside ASAP.

Thank you for caring for the little guy!
