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Rabbit eating behaviour

22 10:05:37

Hi i've read that when feeding pellets to rabbits you should feed twice a day, in the morning and at night, and to make sure that the food bowl is empty before you give it more to prevent selective feeding. the problem is my rabbit only eats the stuff he likes from the feed i give him and if i wait till he finishes everything before feeding him again i end up feeding him only once a day and/or at irregular timings. is there any way i can remedy this? because sometimes i feel horribly cruel making him finish everything when he doesn't like it and obviously wants me to pour more of the feed.

Dear Michelle,

If your bunny is choosing bits out of his pellet food, then you are feeding the wrong type of food.  The pellets should be only green, alfalfa- or timothy-based pellets:  no seeds, nuts, dried fruit or anything else.  Those additives are very unhealthy for rabbits and can cause liver damage over time.

Please read this to gradually adjust your bunny's diet to one that will foster good health and long life:

I hope this helps.
