Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my mother rabbit (litter is 2 weeks old)

my mother rabbit (litter is 2 weeks old)

22 10:25:27

My rabbit just had a litter of four, two weeks ago.
They are all healthy. But the mother has extremely soft stool. I've been washing the cage and making sure it's clean of it but she's constantly going and it's kind of bunched together but it's soft.
What's wrong?

Dear Morgan,

Stress can cause GI tract slowdown and cecal dysbiosis, and the result of this is mushy cecotropes that stick to the bum.  Please read this:

for a full explanation and a rundown of possible common causes.  The most common cause is incorrect diet, which you can check here:

But since she has a litter, the extenuating factor of nursing and the associated changes in her body could also be contributing to this.  To find a good rabbit vet who can find out the cause and treat it, use the list linked here:

Also please read:

for the most important information.

Hope this helps.
