Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Weird stool

Weird stool

22 10:19:34

Dear Dr. Krempels,
      My rabbit Shadow (which I think is about 3 moths old) has started having a weird stool. Instead of the round hard single single stool he has a clump of little stools about a half inch long. He probably has 1 or 2 a day in the last 2 weeks. It started as 1 every couple days but it now 1-2 a day. Should I be worried does he need to see a vet?

                                      Thank you,

Dear Michele,

From your description, it sounds as if you are seeing uneaten cecotropes.  For a full explanation, please read:

If the description there fits the what you're seeing, then not to worry.  It's not only normal, but necessary.

If you do ever need a good rabbit vet, though, you can find one here:

Hope that helps.
