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Zithromax dosage?

22 10:19:38

Dear Dana, I've been looking for the correct dosage for zithromax for rabbits, and have found conflicting information online.  Do you happen to know what the dosage is?  My Newtie has another jaw abscess, and the results of the culture and sensitivity test show two different bacteria, both susceptible to zithro.  I wanted to double and triple check because my two bunny vets recommended different doses.  Thank you, Dana!  Jill

PS Tira Misu is doing well.  The results of his culture and sensitivity test showed that the bacteria in his jaw was susceptible to bicillin.  It seems to have cleared up except for a tiny ulcer in the gum tissue near the TMJ, where scar tissue traps food and hair.  Been cleaning it out everyday and am hoping that will heal quickly as well.  Thanks again!  Jill

Dear Jill,

The reason you may be getting conflicting dosages for rabbits is because the drug has not been officially approved for rabbits, so people are still experimenting with the most effective dosage.  The dose I see most often is 20mg/kg once per day, but I've seen it go as high as 30mg/kg once per day.

I usually like to use the higher dose, especially at the start of treatment, to bash the bacteria as hard as possible--as long as it doesn't harm the host.  But discuss this with your vet and see what dose the vet wants to use.

I'm glad to hear that Tira Misu is better!  Congratulations!!!
