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New companion

22 10:19:03

Recently, I bought a rabbit for my older rabbit.  My older rabbit is spayed and is about a year old.  I got her a baby boy rabbit and they have been getting along at a normal speed.  This morning, I put them together and they seemed really happy to be able to sniff eachother.  Today, after work, I came home and my girl rabbit seems depressed about something.  She is laying in her litter box and is barely eating her normal food.  I tried to give her two of her favorite treats and she refused to eat them.  Is there an obvious reason for her behavior?  Should I call the vet tomorow if her behavior persists?  Any advice would be wonderful.  Thankyou for your time.


have you noticed a pattern like this?  Early bonding, you can't just leave them alone, you need to know what is going on during their interactions.

If they are good together and you separate them, is she sad then?  Did you try putting them back together and seeing if that seemed to perk her up?

Also it could be a gut thing too, but not knowing anything else, it is probably the new bunny.  They may have a good bond already and you may not need to separate them.

One thing, you will need to get him fixed when he hits sexual maturity, it will be intolerable for her if he is not neutered.  You must get a good rabbit vet to do the neuter.

to find a good rabbit vet if you don't already have one.