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My rabbit has runny poop.

22 10:29:47

My rabbit is a giant rex and her poop is always very loose and it sticks to her butt and smells really bad. She seems very healthy and Im not sure what to do for her. Please help me. Her name is levi!

Ok first question is have you changed her feed? If not here is what you need to do. Take away all her pellets and only offer her a good quality hay (I recommend Oxbow) all that she wants and fresh water. Do this for 24 hours. If it clears up slowly add her pellets back. Keep giving her all they hay she wants from now on. Also do you feed veggies? A lot of the time to may veggies can cause loose stools from giving them to many, not the right kind, or offering new to many new ones at one time NEVER feed your bunny Iceberg lettuce. If none of this helps it could just be her. I have had bunny's like that and its just them but the hay usually helps. Hay is the most important part of your bunny's diet.