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bunny ill?

22 10:39:46

my bunny has diarrhea for over a week now and he's not moving at all. He's
losing a lot of fur and hes not eating anything or drinking. Wat do I do ?

This is very, very serious.  You need to get your rabbit to a rabbit saavy vet asap.  The condition your rabbit is in could result in death.  This is an emergency situation for your rabbit.

If you don't have a rabbit experienced vet, you can find some lists here:

It sounds like your rabbit has been going through some gi (intestinal) problem.  I'm not sure about the fur loss, it's possible your rabbit is also going through a major coat blow at the same time.

The highest priority is getting your rabbit to a vet, and letting the vet determine the solution of the problem.  

These sites gives some info on the gi problems your bunny is having.
These sites give some info on gi problems: