Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Amt. of pellets per day or at all?

Amt. of pellets per day or at all?

22 9:46:06

Hi, first of all, we are a home sanctuary with many, many rabbits, mainly fixed bunnies that are adult.  

They get unlimited grass hay, veggies too per day.  I am wondering with the cost of pellets even from the Feed Store, it's getting very expensive.

Do rabbits really need pellets?  I've heard 1/8 cup for a 4 lb. bunny, what do you think?

Thanks, we are definitely not into free feeding pellets.


Hi Paula,

It is difficult to maintain a balanced diet without using pellets.  However if you do research you should be able to cut back.  We only feed about an a tablespoon of pellets a day but we also feed whole oats and black oil sunflower seeds.  The main thing is to feed unlimited hay.  Hay is cheap but you have to make sure that you are getting good quality hay.  Hay that is aged will have less nutrients in it.  The older it gets the more worthless it is.  If you can get your hands on fresh 2nd cut hay along with fresh veggies you could probably skip the pellets all together, however you need to keep an eye on the rabbits condition.  If they start getting to thin they may need more pellets.  You really just have to try to find the right balance.  We grow our own veggies in the summer which helps keep our feed bill down.  We also pick dandelion, clover and plantain right out of our yard.  You have to be really careful if you are picking it yourself to make sure that nobody in the area has sprayed chemicals.   

In my opinion pellets are a convenience food.  There are days when I am just to tired to spend 3 hours picking greens.  On these days I am guilty of feeding more pellets.  Indeed they are extremely expensive but by adding hay and veggie supplements you should be able to cut the amount in half.

Good luck
