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Rabbit not using the front paw

22 10:26:41

Since last night, I've noticed my rabbit (a dutch dwarf) has trouble putting weight on his front left paw. He lifts the paw up from touching the ground most of the time, and when he has to walk, he kind of puts a little weight on the paw jsut to get around. He is drinking and eating. I don't know what went wrong, and how can I help him to get back on his paw?



Dear Sandy,

Your bunny has evidently injured his paw in some way.  If you examine the paw, check the toenails to be sure there's not a broken one hanging, which can be quite painful.  If the nails are fine, then he may have sprained or even broken something.

If he's putting *any* weight on the foot, then the chances are better that it's not broken.  But if you're not sure, then get him to a good rabbit vet:

who can check the leg for any sign of a break.  At the very least, the vet can prescribe some medication for pain, if necessary, if there's not a break, but a painful injury nonetheless.

I hope this helps.
