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Normal rabbit behavior?

22 11:07:42

Hi, I've just been given a pet rabbit to babysit for a few weeks while it's owner is on vacation, she's a young rabbit(probably under a year) and appears to be quite healthy, though I haven't had any experience with rabbits before. Now I've only had her for a few days, but I noticed that she started grabbing her skin on her sides, legs and chest with her mouth and pulling out large chunks of fur, then keeping them in her mouth, chewing them occasionally, then spitting it all out in slobbery chunks, unfortunately usually on your shoulder when you pick her up. Her fur is still glossy and looks good, but I'm just wondering; is this normal grooming behavior, or is she under stress? She appears to be quite happy otherwise. Well, thanks for reading.

- Michelle.  

This could be a sign of boredom, stress, and also pregnacy. Females pull fur like that to build their nests. If that is not possible, then it probably is stress of being out of her normal habitat/environment, and a "stranger" caring for her.