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Transporting rabbit to vet

22 11:22:05

Hi Dana,

Thank you for all of your help with buns. You are a great resource!

I have a 5 year-old, neutered, medium-sized lop that has been having cecal dysbiosis for quite awhile. He always has an unlimited supply of Timothy hay, gets fresh green, leafy veggies daily, and 1/4 cup of high-fiber pellets (I was using Purina Rabbit Chow but have switched to Oxbow timothy based pellets). I am planning to take him to the vet to check for molar spurs even though he gobbles all the food and acts normal. The closest "rabbit recommended" vet is 30 minutes from where I live and I have never transported my bun that far. Usually the only car ride he goes on is to the vet across the street for a toenail trim every other month. When I take him I put him in a small cat carrier with some hay and he does fine. But with such a long drive to/from the other vet, what should I do about his litterbox? I'm sure he will need to go to the bathroom before I can get him back home. Thanks!

Dear Kristina,

Don't worry.  He probably won't urinate in such a short time.  But in case he does, simply line the carrier with thick towels that will absorbe the moisture and not make him stand in pee while he's riding.

A thirty minute ride shouldn't be a problem.  I used to drive an hour each way to get to my vet, and no bunny ever messed up the carrier.  They kind of know to "hold it" until they get home. But if they *really* have to go, and can't wait, the towels do the trick.  For extra moisture and odor control, you could even put sawdust pellet litter under the towel.

Hope that helps!
