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Female still not eating after spay.

22 11:22:04

I had my two female rabbits spayed yesterday and brought them hime at about 6 pm yesterday.  One of them is doing fine and even trying to escape from her hutch and nibbling on hay but the other one won't eat anything and is just sat quitely.  I know this is wuite normal for female but when should i start getting worried? every site seems to say something different.  Also the vet gave me some painkillers which are to be given with food so i cant give her any of this either whcih is a shame because it would probably make her feel better.

They need to be eating within 24 hours after the surgery.  If you can mix the painkiller in with something like baby food carrot or banana and give a bit to her that would help her feel better then she might eat.  If that fails, be sure to call your vet, you may need to forcefeed her until she eats on her own.
