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Spay/Uterine Cancer

22 10:18:38

Dear Dr Krempels,

About a month ago I brought my five year old female rabbit to the vet to check a small bump on her head.  The vet took two samples and sent them to the pathologist.  They came back as not being cancerous.  At the same time I asked her about spaying since I had read an article from the house rabbit society recommending it even for older rabbits.  She concurred, and I had my rabbit spayed yesterday.  The vet did find a mass on her uterus and has sent it to the pathologist.  I haven't gotten the report back yet, but if it is cancer, which seems likely, what is the likelihood that it has metastasized?  Of course I will follow up with the vet for X-rays if it turns out to be malignant, but I think you can understand my anxiety.  My bunny otherwise has been very healthy, active and energetic, with no signs of sickness.  Thank you for your time, I greatly appreciate it.


Dear Katie,

In my experience and that of many other rabbit folks, uterine adenocarcinoma does *not* readily metastasize, and if the lesion was small, there's a good chance that it's all gone and will not be a problem in the future.

The most common met location for uterine adenocarcinoma cells is the lungs, so if the vet wants to check for metastasis, a chest radiograph would be advisable.  

But I would certainly hope for the best.  We've seen very few bunnies with uterine tumors who had metastasis.  Usually the spay ends the problem.

I hope this is true for your girl, too.

Take care,