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Bonding two females

22 10:05:29

I have a two year old rabbit named Kyra. She's lived alone most of her life, and yesterday I went to get her a friend, a five month old rabbit named Aunie.  Well Aunie's a sweetheart, she's friendly and affectionate, to me. To Kyra, she wants NOTHING to do  with her. I can take Aunie back to the owner if the two just won't work. But I don't want to do that, I want the two sisters to get along. they don't fight, it's just Kyra seems to be interested in sniffing and kissing Aunie, and Aunie runs away, stamps her foot. or hides in the safety of my lap. I'm new at this and I don't know what to do. Do you have any advice to help the sisters get along?  

Dear Emily,

What you describe sounds like a very promising start!  I would have expected Kyra to attack the newcomer, not welcome her.  This is quite unusual, so it's a very good sign that the two could become friends.

To be safe, both girls should be spayed (preferably at the same time, since shared stress can be a great bonding tool) so they don't develop hostility later.  

Aunie is probably just frightened in her new environment.  She will calm down, and I hope she doesn't become aggressive at that point.  You must NOT let them fight, no matter what.  Rabbits have long memories, and they don't forgive easily.

For tips on bonding safely, see the articles here:

Hope they continue to be non-aggressive, and that they will have a great friendship.
