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Alternatives to neuterring?

22 11:22:04


I got a male dwarf bunny when he was about 3 years old.

The 2 previous owners never had him neutered and now I have been told that it would be dangerous to get it done now (by my vet).

Are there any natural or alternative foods or substances that I can give to him to tone him down and not get so.. well you know;). Maybe there is something I can do? (perhaps a bunny hooker service:?)

I thank you in advance for anything you can offer to help him (and me) thanks

Dear Morry,

Actually, a "bunny hooker service" would make him *worse*, not better.  Once a male rabbit starts breeding, he can become extremely aggressive and even more sexual than before.

We've had bunnies as old as 10 years neutered without problems.  It depends on the skill and experience of the vet, as well as the overall health of the bunny.

Please read:

and find a good *rabbit* vet here:

The vet will advise you about any necessary bloodwork before the surgery, and give the bunny a good wellness check to be sure he's a reasonable surgical risk.  While there's no such thing as a 100% risk-free surgery, neutering is relatively quick, non-invasive, and when done by an experienced vet who knows about rabbits, there should be minimal risk.

Hope that helps.
