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Rabbit food: Halloween Pumpkin?

22 9:54:40

for halloween im going to be getting a pumpkin i was wondering if its ok to give my rabbit either the "guts" or the seeds?

Dear Amanda,

The seeds will be too high in fat to be healthy for the bunny, except as an occasional treat.  You can actually wash off the seeds, toss them in a little bit of olive oil, and *toast* them on a baking rack.  That way you can enjoy them yourself, and give bunny one or two as a treat.

The hulls of the raw seeds may not be advisable to feed bunny, as many seeds contain complex polysaccharides that even a bunny (or his intestinal flora) can't fully break down.  So best to not give him the hulls.

The "guts" are probably fine, as long as you cut the strings into manageable lengths that can't get caught on a molar and cause problems.  But again, don't give too much, as pumpkins are quite starchy and could cause problems if given in excess.  As with any dietary item, add only a little bit at a time to avoid upsetting your bunny's delicate intestinal flora.

Happy Halloween!
