Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Why does my rabbit flop over on his side?

Why does my rabbit flop over on his side?

22 11:22:05

Hi.  I just have a quick question about our pet rabbit.  He is 2 years old and is a cross between a chinchilla and a dwarf rabbit.  We have had him since he was 4 weeks old.  Since he was a baby, he will be sitting in his cage and then all of a sudden he just flops over on his side and you can see the white part of his eye in the corner.  He seems like he is almost in a trance like state, but then as soon as we go to the cage and talk to him, he turns over and acts normal.  He only does this in his cage.  When we have him out, he is very curious, into everything and trying to chew everything (we do watch him very closely to make sure he doesn't get into anything that will make him sick) and never displays this strange act.  I know that rabbits can have seizures and we are quite concerned about that, but otherwise he is a healthy bunny.  We have a hard plastic liner in the bottom of his cage with no towels or blankets as he chews them every time.  He has his litter box and his food in there and a plastic rabbit box which he likes to sit on when he is waiting for us to come and see him.  I should mention we had him neutered when he was 6 months old.

So, just wondering if you can shed any light on this question for us.  We have asked our vet in the past, but they seemed stumped as to what he is doing.

Thanks very much.  

This is actually a good thing, he is telling you he is very relaxed and comfortable in is cage. Sometimes in this position the rabbit looks dead, so you may hear it referred to as a dead bunny flop.

You can find out more about rabbit body language at
