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bunny urinating on me

22 11:19:31

Dear Dana,

I have a 1 year old rabbit and I have adopted him 2 months ago. he is litter trained and is neutered for more than one month. usually i would let him run around the house under my supservision and he would hop and sit next to me on the sofa. However for the past 2 days he came up to me on the sofa and he would sit right next to me closely and urinates. i scolded him and chased him and scared him with newspaper but i am not sure whether that works. i understand that that might mean 'marking me as his territory' but i am not sure whether that has to do with me taking him to the vet 3 days ago. the last time he urinated next to me was about 1 month ago after i gave him a nail trim. is he angry at me or is there something else in his mind? Please help.

Thanks a lot

Dear Lily,

His urination is probably a combination of marking you *and* showing you that "he's the boss."  The fact that he did this after you did something to him he didn't like may just show that he was, indeed, being a little bit vindictive, but not in a mean way.  He was establishing his dominance with a nice, warm stream of pee--not weeing on you because he thought it would make you angry.

He sounds like a very smart, if willful, bunny!  :)

For more tips on how to stop this type of behavior (which might not be easy), you might wish to write to the behavior expert folks at

I'm sure they'll be able to offer more suggestions.

Hope this helps!
