Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > random bunny

random bunny

22 10:47:07

i have found a wounded bunny in my driveway. (out of the way of a car) his front right foot has been injured badly. its bleeding and the bone is misplaced. Im not exactly sure what i should do. if there is anything i can do i would be happy to do it. (the wildlife center is closed for it is 9 pm)


Assuming he is not a domestic pet, it's best to leave the rabbit or hare in the wild. In fact, in many states it is illegal to house wildlife.

If he/she is around tomorrow you can always call the wildlife center then. I know it may sounds harsh, but this is part of nature and natural selection. Generally wildlife experts and veterinarians alike agree with this assessment.

If you feel uneasy with leaving an injured animal in your yard (which I can understand) you can always call the local authorities to deal with the situation tonight. Under no circumstances should you attempt to handle the rabbit or hare yourself.

It's very thoughtful of you to want to help. I'm going to include some links to information about injured and orphaned wild rabbits. Good luck!