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Rabbits and Mosquitos

22 11:19:32

We recently adopted a 2.5 month old Mini Rex and are keeping her in an outdoor hutch and play area.  I have noticed a lot of mosquitos hovering around, but I can't tell if they are actually biting her through her thick fur.  She doesn't seem to be bothered by them other than flicking her ears every now and then when they buzz around her head.

Do mosquitos bite rabbits?  Should I provide some sort of repellent for her?  Dogs and cats have flea, tick and mosquito repellents.  How 'bout rabbits?  Thanks.

Dear Susan,

There are no mosquito repellants that will work and be safe for your bunny, as she grooms her fur more than a dog or cat would.  Also, some drugs that are safe for dogs and cats can be deadly to rabbit (e.g., Frontline (fipronil)).  

Yes, mosquitoes love to bite rabbits, unfortunately.  The only real way to protect her will be to bring her inside where it's cool and safe--or to cover her entire play area with mosquito netting.

Hope that helps.
