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Snorty bunny sounds?

22 10:34:09

My bunny Hugo is making snorty sounds but not sneezing.  He otherwise is acting normal. Is there any idea of what this could be?  Sounds like he is stuffed up but not with fever.

It's kinda tough to know for sure without more context.

There are some kind of honking sounds that rabbits can make.  If they do this when running around, particularly if running around people he likes, this can be a happy sounds.

But if he sounds stuffed up all the time, particularly if he's sitting around, this may indicate a health problem.

When he does this, does it look like he is taking bigger breaths than normal?  Does he seem to sit around more than normal?

It is possible that the rabbit may have a respiratory infection, a pneumonia.

But really the best bet is to contact a vet and have a vet give a look and more importantly a listen to your rabbit to make a good determination of what is going on.