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Rabbit hurt leg

22 11:15:08

I have a rabbit (a kind of lop) of about 5 months old. His name's Pg. 3 days ago, PG fell trying to jump from the love seat onto the coffee table. He was startled and seemed to have hurt his right hind leg, because he was limping. We immediately checked to see if we could feel any dislocation or broken bones, but everything seemed ok. To be sure, we took him to the vet the next morning. The veterinary clinic had said to be specialized in exotic pets and they had said to have rabbits in their practice regularly. The vet couldn't feel any dislocation or breakage either and said it was probably just sprained. She suggested to just keep PG calm and give him pain medicine (Metacam). Now, 3 days later, PG is still limping the same way. He barely puts weight on that foot, although he does sit up straight sometimes and he tries using his bad leg to scratch his ears. PG eats well, but he is very quiet and seems a little sad. Should I take him to another vet for a second opinion? Is an X-ray recommended (the other vet did not want to do this without gas, because she was worried he would kick and break his back. I am very worried about using gas for the X-ray). How long does it take before a sprained leg starts to heal? Is it normal that he still does not have strenght in his leg/foot and that he is still limping? Although my bunny eats well, I am so worried. I hate to see him in discomfort like this. I cannot even tell if he is in pain or not. We can touch him easily and he is fine with that. Could you please help?

An x-ray would be a good idea, just to make sure that there is no break or hairline fracture that is causing the problem.  If there isn't, then you may just have to keep him confined until the leg heals, which could be several days to several weeks.  Certainly pain medication is indicated.

If he were in pain he would not eat and would huddle in a corner.  

You may want to scratch his ear for him until the leg heals up.

I've never had to have a rabbit gassed to take an x-ray, it just takes someone to hold the rabbit and someone to take the x-ray.  As long as he is cooperative it won't be a problem.

If the bone is broken, they can put a cast on him.  He won't like it.  If it is a sprain, there's really not much you can do except give it time to heal.  Be sure they give you more pain medication, he is going to need that.
