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Transporting my Bunny

22 10:00:15

My bunny started to claw my legs and bite me, so I was planning to get him fixed.
All the good bunny vets are a while away from where I live, like forty five minutes. I don't have a travelling cage or anything like that so I was wondering if putting him in a big cardboard box and some shredded paper would be alright.
Also he hates being picked up so it might be hard to get him into a box.

Dear Winnie,

If you're in this for the long haul, then it's time to invest in a safe carrier.  Long car trips are usually safe, but if you were to have an accident, your bunny would be very vulnerable to injury or death if he's no better protected than by a bit of cardboard.

Most carriers are not expensive these days.  I would strongly recommend that you go to a local pet supply store and get one for him to have in case of any future emergencies or needs.

A carrier will also allow you to gently herd him into a corner and just nudge him into it; you won't even have to pick him up.  But it's also a wise idea to teach him that being picked up sometimes is a necessity.  First, you'll need to train yourself in the proper technique:

Hope this helps!
