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mixed breed rabbits

22 10:56:35

i am getting a rabbit and the dad is a mini lop and the mom is a mixed breed but the owner doesnt know what the mom was bred with. what are the risk involved with a bunny like that as it will be my grandchilds pet. i already have a mini lop and also a holland lop. will this new bunny be ok as a pet and what about any health risk. please help me. thank you. millie

Any rabbit of unknown background (even if it is purebred, but the breeder is not breeding for health and temperament) could have health or temperament issues. Seizures, blindness, and improperly growing teeth (which need clipping regularly) are the most common problems. All of these can be overcome, but if you are really worried about it, it would be best to get either an adult (more likely that any temperament or health problems would have already shown up) or a baby from a purebred breeder who breeds for health and temperament. Getting a male and getting it neutered when it is old enough will also help to keep temperament problems down.