Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit with red scabs

rabbit with red scabs

22 10:28:02

i was patting my rabbit and noticed she had a few rissen dry scabs on her back. they just look like dried scabs but when i found a few on her body i thought it may be some type of parasite. around each scab is missing a little but of fur. please help

Hi Kelly,

it could be a number of things.  They all require a vet exam.  A good rabbit vet will figure out what they are faster than anyone else, and thus, get faster, effective treatment to her and keep your expenses lower because of it.

If you need to find one start here:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended rabbit vet near you.  If none are listed around you, call your local animal shelters or any relatively close rabbit rescue groups and ask who they would go to with a sick or injured rabbit.
