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wild rabbit hutch

22 11:32:56

We have a neighborhood wild rabbit.  He's been running around here for about 9 months and everyone has adopted him.  What can I put out for the rabbit to build a warm hutch for himself?
there are several safe places (In my yard) for him to build a safe place to rest.  Everyone in the neighborhood keeps him well fed.  We need to know what he'll need to keep himself warm.  I am down in New Orleans (mostly mild winters).  Thanks in advance.  Linda Comeaux  

Wild rabbits generally will dig a burrow for themselves, certainly if you have hay or straw or long grass you could put it out and he could use that.

Usually they hole up in the roots of large trees or in areas with lots of plants like bushes or flowers.

As long as no dogs or cats or hawks discover him, he ought to be fairly safe and comfy!
