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no control over hind lends

22 10:53:15

i found my rabbit laying in his cage yesterday he seemed lifeless, i hand fed it food and water and it brightened up, but he still cannot move he is able to sit up but cannot hop, he is eating and drinking well afetr a visit to the vet he gave him a injection painkiller and something to take down the swelling but he said there was no broken bones or fractureres he thinks it could be neurological and suggest putting him to sleep he is only 2 years old and is extremely well in himself please can you give me some advice

thanks debbie

(UPDATE 6/7/07)
Hi Debbie,
 I read your comments, I am glad he's doing better.  One thing I should mention based on your reply, when you pick your boy up, don't let his back legs kick, you MUST carry him so that his feet are either against your body or arms.  His back needs to be supported else if he kicks he could actually break his back (their legs are that strong).

When you pick him up, use one hand to scoop his rear to you so that his rump and back legs are not hanging free in the air.  This is the time if he would kick he could injure or break his back.  when you hold him, hold him snug into your body.  Loose holds make them anxious and then they will start wiggling and usually want to hop down.


Hi Debbie,

you need to get to a good rabbit vet.  They will need to examine him well ot determine what exactly it is.  A vet 'thinking it COULD BE something but not knowing for sure and THEN suggesting putting him down, is not a good and thorough rabbit vet.

He probably gave him some metacam for the pain and swelling.  What he may need is a steroid shot.  My armchair guess is something sppoked him and he kicked or jumped in his cage and hurt his back in some way.  this is not something you automatically put a bunny down for.  Especially as he is exhibiting a will to live combined with his young age and good healing abilities at 2 years old.

Go to here:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet in your area.  If there aren't any check nearby states if you are close to one across the line.  If that isn't the case, call up your local animal shelters/rescue groups and ask who they would go to if they had a rabbit that needed the best care or surgery.

I'd pick up some Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy for him in the meantime and follow the directions.  I'd probably choose to spritz a bit of it into his water or on something he normally licks.

If he's otherwise been healthy he probably bruised something in his back.  If he's been sick he may have an infection somewhere that is affecting his nerves in some way.  A good rabbit vet will get to the cause of the problem and at least rule out some things so that the treatment will be much more effective.

Make sure he's got soft cotton cushioning on his cage floor.  I might also roll up some towels and make little 'bumpers' around his cage wall so that if he goes over he lands on something soft.  It will also make getting up from resting a little easier.

But getting him to a good rabbit vet as soon as you can (Monday) is critical.
