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Can my rabbit eat the diamond grass...

22 9:53:32

Can my 1 month Angora and Lionhead eat the diamond grass in my yard...

Dear Ahmad,

Common names can be misleading.  What is called "Diamond Grass" in Malaysia might not be the same as what I find listed under the same name here in the U.S.  So take what I write here with caution, and if you can find out the scientific name of the grass you have, then I can be of more help.

The Diamond Grass we have here is sometimes listed as "deer resistant" by growers selling it.  They don't really say what that means, but it could be that it's not very tasty, that it has small needles for protection, or any number of things.  But it does give me pause.

That said, few grasses are overtly toxic.  If they are infected with fungal endophytic parasites, those parasites can produce toxins.  But the grass itself, no.

If your bunnies are already nibbling it without harm, then it is likely safe.  But I would not consider it a primary food source.

Hope that helps.
