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Bunny teeth, extraction and molar spurs

22 9:43:35

Hello! I own a pet rabbit who was diagnosed with abscess and molar spurs. She had her bottom incisors extracted and the spurs filed but she seems to have the spurs formed again. My vet told me she should get her molar filed every once in a while (she's obviously not feeling comfortable, eats less and looks a bit lethargic). My question is: is it ok for a rabbit to be sedated once every 2-3 months in order to have the procedure done? Is it dangerous for the health of the rabbit? Is this the only way for the spurs to stop forming? Thank you!

Dear Tery,

Provide your bunny with lots of fresh grass hay, and that should help with the spurs.  But if your bunny is older, or has a congenital malocclusion, then periodic filings may be the only way to keep her comfortable.

If the vet uses only mild sedative, this should not be a problem.  But full anesthesia is more risky, of course.  You're kind of stuck, though.  Bunny cannot live comfortably with the spurs, so you kind of have to get them treated, as necessary.

But I do know lots of bunnies who get their molars filed every few months, and they do just fine.  As long as she is in good health otherwise, her risk of problems is lower.  Your vet will be the best to judge that.

I hope this helps.
