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drawf rabbits

22 11:15:09

i live in northern ontario canada.i have 2 drawf rabbits,they currently live outside.i would like to know what tempatures they can endure?when should they be brought in side or can we install a light in their cage?what tempeture should we try to maintain if we put them in garage?if you can help me with these questions that would be great thank you terri

Dear Terri,

Because rabbits are so sensitive to temperature, it is best and safest for them to be spayed/neutered and litterbox trained so they can live safely inside with the family.  It's a lot more fun for everyone!  :)  You can read about spay/neuter here:

and litterbox training here:

Rabbits actually tolerate cool temperatures much better than heat.  They are comfortable to about 45 Farenheit, as long as they have enough room to run around to keep warm, and have a safe, warm refuge filled with dry straw or hay (constantly cleaned and changed!) for insulation.  I would avoid electric heaters, as they can not only cause fires, but also overheat the rabbits, which is quite dangerous.

A garage is a lonely, sad place for an animal as social and intelligent as a rabbit.  I hope you'll reconsider and bring them inside to live with you.  House rabbits are fantastic fun!  :)

Once the temperature reaches anything over 80 Farenheit, the rabbits need strict protection from it.  NO direct sunlight EVER, and they will need frozen water bottles to lean on to stay cool.  A wet towel over the hutch will help provide evaporative cooling, as long as the cage is well ventilated.

In short, as long as you take measures to allow the rabbits to regulate their temperature by taking refuge in a warm box (with each other to keep warm), or devices to stay cool, they should be safe between 45 - 80 Farenheit.

But they do much better indoors.  Much safer and more fun for everyone!

Hope that helps.
