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What Is the Brown Jelly like Substance My Rabbit just left behind?

22 10:01:24

What Is the Brown Jelly like Substance My Rabbit just left behind?....And Shes 2 months, how old should she be when I give her adult rabbit food?  Thanks!


not sure given the little you mention.  It could either be cecal pellets, or it could be a medical problem.  I would if you havent taken her in to a vet yet, get her to a good rabbit vet and I would do it quickly.  to find a good rabbit vet go here:

to find a good House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

One thing you will elarn with rabbits is that if they have a medical issue you cannot wait for days like you can with a dog or cat.  By the time you notice it it's already been around for days and it's serious.

At two months the things they should be eating are hay (good timothy and alfalfa hays) and pellets (timothy and alfalfa).  That's about it.  Their gi tract is adjusting majorly to switch from milk to hay products.  No veggies or fruits or treats.  At six months if their gi tract is okay, you can very slowly start introducing vegetables.  I personally would only give them romaine lettuce pieces, and flat italian parsley.

Pick up the books I mention in my profile information, they are excellent and will give you a lot of help regarding nutrition, warning signs, bunnyproofing areas, toys, etc.