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rabbits infected eye

22 10:03:49

My daughter's rabbit appears to have an eye infection.  The eye is quite crusty.  We have been treating by washing the eye and have now moved it indoors (out of the cold).  Any suggestions for anything else we could do, such as an eye drop or something of that sort?

fHi Jeanne. Eye infections can be treated with Terramycin Opthalmic ointment. It can be ordered from Dr. Fosters over the internet or purchased from Tractor Supply and maybe other farm supply companies. You may also be able to get it from your local vet. I do want to make you aware that eye infections may be just that, and nothing more, or they may be a sign of upcomming problems. Watch your bunny for any nasal discharge. If he sneezes, rubs his nose with his pawn or has a snotty nose, take him to the vet. Often one of the first signs of snuffles is a weepy looking eye. It may be nothing more but please watch for any other signs. Snuffles can be a very difficult illness and needs to be treated as soon as possible. I wish you and your bunny well.  Pat