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My rabbit is acting different

22 9:43:26

My rabbit Oreo, has been acting different today. I few days ago she was sick with diarrhea but now she seem to be fine health wise. She is eating and drinking, but not pooping or peeing yet. In her cage she has a board that she loves to lye on and we also keep her food dish on there as well. But now she will not eat out of her food dish or get off her board to drink water from her bottle, I have to move it to her so she will drink. She is also grinding her teeth a bit louder then usual. I don't know why she is acting this way? Could it be due to having diarrhea? or could it be from the seasons changing here in Canada? Can you please get back to me because I am worried something is very wrong with her.

Thank you for your time.


Dear Nicole,

Please read this immediately:

and find a rabbit vet here:

via the international listings link.

Please also see:

for an explanation of the "diarrhea", as well as:

to get some emergency protocols in case she is suffering from ileus (not producing poop because her GI tract has stopped its normal movements).

I hope this helps.  But I am sure she needs veterinary attention ASAP.
