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Rabbit Genetalia

22 9:50:41


My rabbit is about 2 years old and I have recently noticed that her genitalia appears to swollen, warm, and more pinkish. I think this is probably because she has reached her sexual maturity and wants to be breed. I have had problems recently with her wanting to spread her scent when at shows. I just wanted to know if this would seem resonable.

Also, she can't be spayed because she is a 4-H rabbit and it is not allowed but she lives in a home with no male pets.


Hi Ann:

Somehow the answer to another question was sent to you (a feed related question). I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused.

Now to answer your question:

A female rabbit reaches sexual maturity between the ages of 5 and 8 months old, depending on the breed.  The characteristics you describe do match that of a hormonal doe ready to breed, but this display should have happened long before two years of age.  It is possible that she's been this way longer and you hadn't noticed it sooner?

Certain things can trigger a rabbits breeding hormones, which will enhance the vulva in the way you've described.  Being housed near a buck; being housed near a different doe with young; having a wild buck come through the area; age (but generally much younger than two years), picking up the scent of a buck at a show.  Sometimes its nothing more than a rabbits natural instinct to breed and this is her way of telling you she is ready.  Are you planning to breed her in the future?  Do you know someone with a buck that  you could mate her with?  There's no harm in leaving her this way; it will subside eventually - but some rabbits become rather mean when their hormones surge and be rather difficult to live with!  If this happens, you can try giving her a small piece of fresh mint each day; this will often help decrease the hormones.

Best of luck to your and your special bunny.  Please let me know if you have any further questions.

The BunnyGal