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megacolonic bunny

22 9:50:17

Hey,  Daisy, an English spot/hotot mix, suffers from megacolon syndrome.  She has very large, almond sized poops, has never had an issue passing.  Lately, where she typically sits on some carpeting has some discolored splotches on it.  The splotches are brown, liquid that has seeped into the carpet.  She is otherwise healthy as a horse.  
My questions are of course, are these leakages indicative of anything I need to treat, and also, should I treat her preventatively with lactulose, as you instructed a previous questioner.  Thanks!
Oh, she gets fresh orchard hay, 4 cups of greens a day-parsley and romaine mostly, pellets, and an inch of banana or apple in the AM, 2 dried cranberries in the PM.  Too many sweets?

Dear Julie,

Yes, I've seen "Cowpoop" bunnies suffer from the leakage you describe.  It's not really a problem that you can solve, but it's a good sign that her intestines are well hydrated.  One of the big problems with these bunnies is that their poops become desiccated and hard to pass.  Since they're so big, this can cause serious problems.

It doesn't sound as if she's getting excessive sweets.

I hope she continues to stay well!
