Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > loss of ballance and not eating

loss of ballance and not eating

22 10:38:11

I've got a dwarf rabbit, he's lost he's ballance and he's not eating eather. He's about 3+ years. I'm nervice, don't know what too do? can you HELP ME PLEASE ????????
 thank you,Tina

Dear Tina,

Please read this immediately:

so you'll know what to do if the bunny is so sick that this could be a veterinary emergecy (e.g., if his temperature is abnormally high or abnormally low).  I'm not sure what you mean by a loss of balance, since this can signify either an inner ear infection, E. cuniculi, or hind limb paresis, depending on the presentation of symptoms/signs in the rabbit.

If the bunny appears to be falling over and/or has a head tilt, please read:


If the bunny appears weak in the hindquarters, and is unable to stand because of that, please read:

Those will help you narrow down what might be wrong.  But please get the bunny to a good rabbit vet ASAP:

I hope this helps.
