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Bonding after loosing a mate

22 9:39:34


My husband and I have had Rabbits for several years and have bonded a few with no problems. We now have a small lop eared Rabbit who lost his mate back in April this year. After a few months we brought in another small female Rabbit and our male Rabbit was extremely aggressive toward her to the point we had to bring her back to the shelter. We decided to try one more time with another small female lop eared Rabbit and after about two weeks they became inseparable. We got the female from a shelter and they did not know if she had been de sexed. After having her for 6 weeks we brought her to the vet ( yesterday ) and he said the only way to know for sure is to go in and look. If she had not been de sexed he would continue with the procedure. Unfortunately she passed away under sedation. We are devastated and not sure what to do. Our male Rabbit is very noticeably upset as he had been when we lost our other female Rabbit. He never seemed to get over it until the new little one came along and they bonded. My question is do we try again with another female and if so how much time should we give it before we try.

Kind regards,


Hi Wendy

Sorry to hear of the loss of your little girl bun.

Your boy will be mourning and while it may seem a bit quick to us, introducing him to a new girl ASAP may be the easiest way to get a bond. It can be tricky to find the right match, but if the rescue will let you "try out" females that can help. With him mourning though he may be easier than previously.

Good luck with the little guy!