Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > anemic bunny

anemic bunny

22 10:33:05

What is the best  food or vitamins I can give my bunny , he is very anemic from fleas.. he has no problem eating or drinking..I was told to get  Advantage for kittens which I will today, but he is very weak. any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you, Nancy Pannullo

Dear Nancy,

If your rabbit has such a bad flea infestation that he is actually anemic from it, and showing physical weakness, then his life is in danger.  No food or vitamin will replace the blood he has lost, and you must get him to a rabbit expert vet *immediately* for emergency help:

Your bunny may need not only fluids, but also a transfusion from a large bunny donor.  Please waste no time in getting him to a good rabbit vet NOW, or he may not surivive. I cannot emphasize how important this is.  Once he actually shows weakness from blood loss, his condition is extremely serious.  DO NOT WAIT to get him to an experienced rabbit vet!!!!
