Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit seems to not be eating as much

My rabbit seems to not be eating as much

22 11:34:35

Hi katie,

I have a dwarf lop rabbit who is about 12 weeks old now. He usually eats well and clears his bowl.
But i have noticed over the last couple of days that he doesnt seem to be eating as much. I changed his food yesterday afternoon and when i checked it this morning, he has eaten a little bit of it.
He is still drinking water and pooping, but i'm just wondering if i should be worried about him not eating as much?

Thanks katie


Hi Cheryl,
I shouldn't worry as long as everything else seems normal. Some rabbits just go through a phase of eating loads then not eating as much. Just depends how hungry they are! Also if he has been eating loads of hay then he might just be full up.
Hope this helps