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training lame rabbit

22 10:09:30


Four months ago my rabbit got panic by a dog and ran into the fence. He could not move his hind legs, but x-rays showed no damage. My chiropractor is adjusting his spine, and he's getting better, jumping for bits of carrots when I help him balance a little. My question is: Do you know any similar case, and may he manage by himself after some months? I sleep beside him and help him eat his cecotrophes, train him 4 - 5 times a day and he is with my other rabbit every day. Eats lots of good hay, and some pellets and vegetables. He's very happy, but I can't find time for anything else ;)

Dear Bente,

I'm sorry about the terrible accident, but glad that your bunny is starting to show improvement.  Such injuries take a lot of time, patience and physical therapy to heal, and you're being a great bunny "parent" with your adorable Hermelin.

In some cases, a veterinary acupuncturist can help a great deal with spinal adjustment and acupuncture.  You can find an experienced rabbit vet here:

who can help by referring you to someone, and also perhaps do a followup exam to check on Hermelin's progress.  I wish I could tell you there was a way to hurry the process, but this just isn't the case.  Gentle, patient therapy will help him improve.

Be sure to provide him with a very soft, cushiony bed of hospital fleece such as those sold by

They will prevent bedsores, urine burn, and keep him comfortable while he's between therapies.  :)

Hope this helps, but mostly hope that Hermelin continues to improve.

Take care,
