Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > how to keep water from freezing

how to keep water from freezing

22 10:19:50

dear dr. krempels i want to get a pet rabbit but one problem my dad wont let me keep it inside so how do you keep its water from freezing during winter? and also do rabbits need any shots or anything and how often do they need to see a vet.?

Dear Marquia,

Please do not get a rabbit if you are not allowed to bring him inside when the weather is freezing.  Leaving a rabbit outside in weather cold enough to freeze water is cruel, and terribly boring for the rabbit.

Rabbits need vaccinations against VHD and myxomatosis in the UK, Europe and Australia, but not in the US.  An annual vet exam is best.

But before you get a rabbit, please visit:

and learn as much as you can to convince your dad that a rabbit's place is inside the home with the family.  Litterbox training, spay/neuter,'s all covered.  

I hope that helps.
