Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > hairless rabbit

hairless rabbit

22 11:16:41

I have a rabbit that at about 1 1/2 weeks of age lost all of his hair except for on his ears, nose, feet and tail. Of course he was born bald, then he grew his hair, then it fell out and now he has all of his hair back again. His skin looked healthy there were no sores, dry skin or any other visible conditions. He seemed just as healthy and happy as the other babies, actually more active than the others. The rabbit in question is a lop mix.

Interesting.  AS long as he has hair now I would not worry about it.  If the whole litter had lost their hair I would have guessed that the mother had eaten something toxic and passed it onto the kits through her milk but for just one kit to have been affected - makes you wonder.

Heather - These things make raising rabbits so interesting !
