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Are my dwarf rabbits sick or old?

22 10:30:28

Hi, I took both rabbits to the vet about a week ago because I thought they had snuffles.  They are 7 years old.  The vet said that they had a cold, but that it hadn't turned into snuffles yet because they didn't have slimy paws or severe symptoms. They are indoor rabbits and have had no exposure to other rabbits.  So I got sent home.  My one rabbit neutered male is worse now though.  He seems to be straining for each breath and is starting to raise his head slightly as if to get more air.  He doesn't have any nasal discharge or sneezing like my other bunny, just a moist nose is all I can see.  Should I get antibiotics, is he just getting old, or when should I know to put him to sleep.  I read that snuffles doesn't always show nasal signs and can spread to other parts of the body.  Is that what is happening in this case?  He is eating fine and runs around fine.  I think he has cataracts.  I can't afford expensive treatment so what do you think I should do at this point?  
Thank You So Much, Janet

Dear Janet,

Proper treatment for your bunny's condition should not be terribly expensive, and I hope you will find a different vet here:

The first vet was obviously not experienced with rabbits.  If he told you that your bunny had "a cold that had not yet turned into snuffles" then he is completely clueless and was talking out of a place that the sun don't shine.

"Snuffles" is another term for upper respiratory infection.  But if your bunny is lifting his head to breathe, he may have pneumonia and be in need of nebulization and oxygen therapy to clear things up. And this must be done SOON if he is to get well. But there is absolutely no reason to consider euthanasia.  Your bunnies are NOT OLD, and the condition they have is quite treatable with the appropriate antibiotics and therapies.

Please read:


and do find a more experienced rabbit vet with the list I wrote above.  Your bunnies need veterinary care NOW, and I hope you can get if for them today.

Good luck,
