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urinary incontinence

22 10:37:16

Hi, i read one of your other letters and your answers regarding a urinary tract infection.  I am not sure if that is my bunnies problem, but he is presenting with a constant dribble and wet bottom.  He has also peed in unusual places.  At first I thought he was marking a new pillow I got for him to lay on, but now i think he was actually unable to control himself.  He still does go to the litter try as well.  The other issue, and I am not sure if it is related, is that I saw uneaten cecotrophs in the litter today.  His behavior otherwise is fine and he is eating and drinking normally.  Also, the urine does not seem to be significantly colored or smelly.  What do you think this could be?  Any ideas would be helpful.  I live in Bermuda and I am not sure what test they have available here.

Dear Heidi,

Any urinary incontinence is cause for a visit to a good rabbit vet:

I hope there's one listed in the Bahamas under the "International" listings there!

Please read:

which explains the various causes of urine dribbling in rabbits.  To keep him clean in the meantime, please read:

The uneaten cecotropes may not be related to the urinary tract problem, but if he's uncomfortable he may just not have a great appetite right now.  Urinary tract problems are usually fairly uncomfortable, so be sure to ask the vet about getting some pain medication while bun is being treated.  We have used a combination of metacam and Tramadol with excellent results, and until he's well, I hope he can get some of that good stuff.

I hope this helps.
