Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I just got two female rabbits....

I just got two female rabbits....

22 11:36:46

I just got two female rabbits.  One white one with black speckles on face; and a brown/tan mix.  The white one stays in the little box part, and doesn't come out. The brown one doesn't go in.  Is the white one sick? scared? is the brown one being pushed out of that little box?  I just put them in late yesterday afternoon.  The white one just pops her head out once in awhile.  What should I do?  I've just been petting the white one on the head a little.  The brown one is more skechy.  She won't let me pet her.  Thanks, Jenny

Dear Jenny,

If the bunnies just arrived in their new home, it's not at all surprising that they are a little shy.  Be patient.  Bunnies are not as automatically friendly and confident as dogs and cats, largely because they are a prey species.  You can learn how to win their trust with the tips in this article:

It's VERY important to be sure both rabbits are the same sex, or you might end up with a surprise, unwanted litter of babies.  It's not all that easy to sex baby rabbits, and far too many people have ended up with a litter (it is HARD to find a safe home!) they didn't expect.  For more information on this, please read:


Unspayed/unneutered rabbits will sometimes begin to fight upon reaching sexual maturity, even if they have previously been friends.  Watch them closely for any signs of aggression once they get to be a few months old.  Once they really fight, it's very hard to get them to forgive each other.

I hope this helps.  For great information on how to care for your new family, please visit

often!  :)

Please write back if you have any other questions.
