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rescue rabbit

22 11:34:23

I have a 4 year old black rex,unaltered,playful
but not aggressive. I have adopted female spayed
harlequin lop,not yet collected. Do i have to
alter my male to get these two together,or should
i just keep them apart,and if i do, will my rex
go berserk?

It is highly recommended that you keep them separated until he is neutered, as he will constantly mount her.  And I mean all day, all night, all hours.  Most female rabbits will not put up with that and will attack the male.

I would have him neutered, then you could introduce them 2-4 weeks after you have him neutered, once his hormones start dying down.

You can keep them apart.  The male may spray more, but he will not go crazy.

Here is some information about spaying and neutering -
