Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Does it know its pissing on me?

Does it know its pissing on me?

22 10:45:16

My litter untrained young kit some times sleeps with me either for a few hours or all night.  It poops all over the bed which doesn't bug me since poop is dry.  

A few times it wet the bed enough to wake me.  The last time I think it wanted to sleep but I kept bugging it and petting it.  It hopped on me and after a bit pissed right on me.  I had to change the sheet, mattress pad, and wash myself.

Do you think it was telling me to piss off?

In another case, a outdoor doe sees me come out of the house, turns away from me and pee.  See does that often.  Does it mean anything or did she just happen to have to pee?

Dear Tom,

Your baby bunny is probably not yet territorial enough to be peeing on you for communication reasons.  He just has to go, and you're nice and soft and absorbent.  :)

Before you go to bed, put bunny in the litterbox, praise him and stroke him and wait until he pees.  THEN take him into bed, and he should be okay for a few hours.  But like any baby, he'll need bathroom trips throughout the night if he's going to be comfortable.  And this is a good opportunity for you to start his litterbox training:

Once the rabbits are old enough, they should be spayed/neutered for their health, and for better litterbox habits:

You can find a good rabbit vet for this here:

The adult female who pees at the sight of you might be doing one of several things:

1.  Marking her territory when she sees you.
2.  Getting rid of "ballast" in preparation for running    
3.  If she *sprays* you, she's telling you she loves you
   and is your mate.  :)

Hope this helps.
